A Simple Long-Tailed Recognition Baseline via Vision-Language Model

29 Nov 2021  ·  Teli Ma, Shijie Geng, Mengmeng Wang, Jing Shao, Jiasen Lu, Hongsheng Li, Peng Gao, Yu Qiao ·

The visual world naturally exhibits a long-tailed distribution of open classes, which poses great challenges to modern visual systems. Existing approaches either perform class re-balancing strategies or directly improve network modules to address the problem. However, they still train models with a finite set of predefined labels, limiting their supervision information and restricting their transferability to novel instances. Recent advances in large-scale contrastive visual-language pretraining shed light on a new pathway for visual recognition. With open-vocabulary supervisions, pretrained contrastive vision-language models learn powerful multimodal representations that are promising to handle data deficiency and unseen concepts. By calculating the semantic similarity between visual and text inputs, visual recognition is converted to a vision-language matching problem. Inspired by this, we propose BALLAD to leverage contrastive vision-language models for long-tailed recognition. We first continue pretraining the vision-language backbone through contrastive learning on a specific long-tailed target dataset. Afterward, we freeze the backbone and further employ an additional adapter layer to enhance the representations of tail classes on balanced training samples built with re-sampling strategies. Extensive experiments have been conducted on three popular long-tailed recognition benchmarks. As a result, our simple and effective approach sets the new state-of-the-art performances and outperforms competitive baselines with a large margin. Code is released at https://github.com/gaopengcuhk/BALLAD.

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Results from the Paper

Ranked #5 on Long-tail Learning on Places-LT (using extra training data)

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Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Uses Extra
Training Data
Result Benchmark
Long-tail Learning CIFAR-100-LT (ρ=100) BALLAD (ViT-B/16) Error Rate 22.2 # 5
Long-tail Learning ImageNet-LT BALLAD(ResNet-50) Top-1 Accuracy 67.2 # 10
Long-tail Learning ImageNet-LT BALLAD(ResNet-50×16) Top-1 Accuracy 76.5 # 6
Long-tail Learning ImageNet-LT BALLAD(ResNet-101) Top-1 Accuracy 70.5 # 8
Long-tail Learning ImageNet-LT BALLAD(ViT-B-16) Top-1 Accuracy 75.7 # 7
Long-tail Learning Places-LT BALLAD(ResNet-50) Top-1 Accuracy 46.5 # 10
Long-tail Learning Places-LT BALLAD(ResNet-101) Top-1 Accuracy 47.9 # 8
Long-tail Learning Places-LT BALLAD(ResNet-50×16) Top-1 Accuracy 49.3 # 6
Long-tail Learning Places-LT BALLAD(ViT-B-16) Top-1 Accuracy 49.5 # 5
