Container: Context Aggregation Network

2 Jun 2021  ·  Peng Gao, Jiasen Lu, Hongsheng Li, Roozbeh Mottaghi, Aniruddha Kembhavi ·

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are ubiquitous in computer vision, with a myriad of effective and efficient variations. Recently, Transformers -- originally introduced in natural language processing -- have been increasingly adopted in computer vision. While early adopters continue to employ CNN backbones, the latest networks are end-to-end CNN-free Transformer solutions. A recent surprising finding shows that a simple MLP based solution without any traditional convolutional or Transformer components can produce effective visual representations. While CNNs, Transformers and MLP-Mixers may be considered as completely disparate architectures, we provide a unified view showing that they are in fact special cases of a more general method to aggregate spatial context in a neural network stack. We present the \model (CONText AggregatIon NEtwoRk), a general-purpose building block for multi-head context aggregation that can exploit long-range interactions \emph{a la} Transformers while still exploiting the inductive bias of the local convolution operation leading to faster convergence speeds, often seen in CNNs. In contrast to Transformer-based methods that do not scale well to downstream tasks that rely on larger input image resolutions, our efficient network, named \modellight, can be employed in object detection and instance segmentation networks such as DETR, RetinaNet and Mask-RCNN to obtain an impressive detection mAP of 38.9, 43.8, 45.1 and mask mAP of 41.3, providing large improvements of 6.6, 7.3, 6.9 and 6.6 pts respectively, compared to a ResNet-50 backbone with a comparable compute and parameter size. Our method also achieves promising results on self-supervised learning compared to DeiT on the DINO framework. Code is released at \url{}.

PDF Abstract


Results from the Paper

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
Image Classification ImageNet Container Container Top 1 Accuracy 82.7% # 464
Number of params 22.1M # 566
GFLOPs 8.1 # 273
Image Classification ImageNet Container-Light Top 1 Accuracy 82% # 529
Number of params 20M # 538
GFLOPs 3.2 # 176
