Scalable Event-by-event Processing of Neuromorphic Sensory Signals With Deep State-Space Models

Event-based sensors are well suited for real-time processing due to their fast response times and encoding of the sensory data as successive temporal differences. These and other valuable properties, such as a high dynamic range, are suppressed when the data is converted to a frame-based format. However, most current methods either collapse events into frames or cannot scale up when processing the event data directly event-by-event. In this work, we address the key challenges of scaling up event-by-event modeling of the long event streams emitted by such sensors, which is a particularly relevant problem for neuromorphic computing. While prior methods can process up to a few thousand time steps, our model, based on modern recurrent deep state-space models, scales to event streams of millions of events for both training and inference.We leverage their stable parameterization for learning long-range dependencies, parallelizability along the sequence dimension, and their ability to integrate asynchronous events effectively to scale them up to long event streams.We further augment these with novel event-centric techniques enabling our model to match or beat the state-of-the-art performance on several event stream benchmarks. In the Spiking Speech Commands task, we improve state-of-the-art by a large margin of 6.6% to 87.1%. On the DVS128-Gestures dataset, we achieve competitive results without using frames or convolutional neural networks. Our work demonstrates, for the first time, that it is possible to use fully event-based processing with purely recurrent networks to achieve state-of-the-art task performance in several event-based benchmarks.

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Results from the Paper

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
Gesture Recognition DVS128 Gesture Event-SSM Accuracy (%) 97.7 # 5
Audio Classification SHD Event-SSM Percentage correct 95.5 # 1
Audio Classification SSC Event-SSM Accuracy 87.1 # 1


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