TResNet: High Performance GPU-Dedicated Architecture

30 Mar 2020  ·  Tal Ridnik, Hussam Lawen, Asaf Noy, Emanuel Ben Baruch, Gilad Sharir, Itamar Friedman ·

Many deep learning models, developed in recent years, reach higher ImageNet accuracy than ResNet50, with fewer or comparable FLOPS count. While FLOPs are often seen as a proxy for network efficiency, when measuring actual GPU training and inference throughput, vanilla ResNet50 is usually significantly faster than its recent competitors, offering better throughput-accuracy trade-off. In this work, we introduce a series of architecture modifications that aim to boost neural networks' accuracy, while retaining their GPU training and inference efficiency. We first demonstrate and discuss the bottlenecks induced by FLOPs-optimizations. We then suggest alternative designs that better utilize GPU structure and assets. Finally, we introduce a new family of GPU-dedicated models, called TResNet, which achieve better accuracy and efficiency than previous ConvNets. Using a TResNet model, with similar GPU throughput to ResNet50, we reach 80.8 top-1 accuracy on ImageNet. Our TResNet models also transfer well and achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on competitive single-label classification datasets such as Stanford cars (96.0%), CIFAR-10 (99.0%), CIFAR-100 (91.5%) and Oxford-Flowers (99.1%). They also perform well on multi-label classification and object detection tasks. Implementation is available at:

PDF Abstract

Results from the Paper

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Uses Extra
Training Data
Result Benchmark
Image Classification CIFAR-10 TResNet-XL Percentage correct 99 # 19
Image Classification CIFAR-100 TResNet-L-V2 Percentage correct 92.6 # 13
Image Classification Flowers-102 TResNet-L Accuracy 99.1% # 13
Image Classification ImageNet TResNet-XL Top 1 Accuracy 84.3% # 306
Number of params 77M # 805
Hardware Burden None # 1
Operations per network pass None # 1
Fine-Grained Image Classification Oxford 102 Flowers TResNet-L Accuracy 99.1% # 7
