4D Panoptic Segmentation

7 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

4D Panoptic Segmentation is a computer vision task that extends video panoptic segmentation to point cloud sequences. That is, given a point cloud sequence, the goal is to predict the semantic class of each point while consistently tracking object instances. Here, the points belonging to the same object instance should be assigned the same instance ID throughout the point cloud sequence. LSTQ metric is used to evaluate the performance of this task. Video credit: Mask4Former

Most implemented papers

4D Panoptic Scene Graph Generation

Jingkang50/OpenPSG NeurIPS 2023

To facilitate research in this new area, we build a richly annotated PSG-4D dataset consisting of 3K RGB-D videos with a total of 1M frames, each of which is labeled with 4D panoptic segmentation masks as well as fine-grained, dynamic scene graphs.

4D Panoptic LiDAR Segmentation

mehmetaygun/4d-pls CVPR 2021

In this paper, we propose 4D panoptic LiDAR segmentation to assign a semantic class and a temporally-consistent instance ID to a sequence of 3D points.

Contrastive Instance Association for 4D Panoptic Segmentation using Sequences of 3D LiDAR Scans

prbonn/contrastive_association IRAL 2021

We propose a novel approach that builds on top of an arbitrary single-scan panoptic segmentation network and extends it to the temporal domain by associating instances across time.

LiDAR-based 4D Panoptic Segmentation via Dynamic Shifting Network

hongfz16/DS-Net 14 Mar 2022

In this work, we address the task of LiDAR-based panoptic segmentation, which aims to parse both objects and scenes in a unified manner.

4D-StOP: Panoptic Segmentation of 4D LiDAR using Spatio-temporal Object Proposal Generation and Aggregation

larskreuzberg/4d-stop 29 Sep 2022

Our voting-based tracklet generation method followed by geometric feature-based aggregation generates significantly improved panoptic LiDAR segmentation quality when compared to modeling the entire 4D volume using Gaussian probability distributions.

Mask4D: End-to-End Mask-Based 4D Panoptic Segmentation for LiDAR Sequences

PRBonn/Mask4D IRAL 2023

Panoptic segmentation of 3D LiDAR scans allows us to semantically describe a vehicle’s environment by predicting semantic classes for each 3D point and to identify individual instances through different instance IDs.

Mask4Former: Mask Transformer for 4D Panoptic Segmentation

YilmazKadir/Mask4Former 28 Sep 2023

With this intention, we propose Mask4Former for the challenging task of 4D panoptic segmentation of LiDAR point clouds.