Action Detection

236 papers with code • 11 benchmarks • 33 datasets

Action Detection aims to find both where and when an action occurs within a video clip and classify what the action is taking place. Typically results are given in the form of action tublets, which are action bounding boxes linked across time in the video. This is related to temporal localization, which seeks to identify the start and end frame of an action, and action recognition, which seeks only to classify which action is taking place and typically assumes a trimmed video.


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Most implemented papers

From Recognition to Prediction: Analysis of Human Action and Trajectory Prediction in Video

JunweiLiang/Multiverse 20 Nov 2020

With the advancement in computer vision deep learning, systems now are able to analyze an unprecedented amount of rich visual information from videos to enable applications such as autonomous driving, socially-aware robot assistant and public safety monitoring.

Temporal Activity Detection in Untrimmed Videos with Recurrent Neural Networks

imatge-upc/activitynet-2016-cvprw 29 Aug 2016

This thesis explore different approaches using Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks to classify and temporally localize activities on videos, furthermore an implementation to achieve it has been proposed.

An End-to-End Architecture for Keyword Spotting and Voice Activity Detection

mindorii/kws 28 Nov 2016

We propose a single neural network architecture for two tasks: on-line keyword spotting and voice activity detection.

R-C3D: Region Convolutional 3D Network for Temporal Activity Detection

VisionLearningGroup/R-C3D ICCV 2017

We address the problem of activity detection in continuous, untrimmed video streams.

Fine-grained Activity Recognition in Baseball Videos

piergiaj/mlb-youtube 9 Apr 2018

In this paper, we introduce a challenging new dataset, MLB-YouTube, designed for fine-grained activity detection.

rVAD: An Unsupervised Segment-Based Robust Voice Activity Detection Method

zhenghuatan/rVAD 9 Jun 2019

In the end, a posteriori SNR weighted energy difference is applied to the extended pitch segments of the denoised speech signal for detecting voice activity. neural building blocks for speaker diarization

pyannote/pyannote-audio 4 Nov 2019

We introduce pyannote. audio, an open-source toolkit written in Python for speaker diarization.

A Multigrid Method for Efficiently Training Video Models

facebookresearch/SlowFast CVPR 2020

We empirically demonstrate a general and robust grid schedule that yields a significant out-of-the-box training speedup without a loss in accuracy for different models (I3D, non-local, SlowFast), datasets (Kinetics, Something-Something, Charades), and training settings (with and without pre-training, 128 GPUs or 1 GPU).

Actor-Context-Actor Relation Network for Spatio-Temporal Action Localization

Siyu-C/ACAR-Net CVPR 2021

We propose to explicitly model the Actor-Context-Actor Relation, which is the relation between two actors based on their interactions with the context.

Context-Aware RCNN: A Baseline for Action Detection in Videos


In this work, we first empirically find the recognition accuracy is highly correlated with the bounding box size of an actor, and thus higher resolution of actors contributes to better performance.