
152 papers with code • 16 benchmarks • 17 datasets

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Most implemented papers

HashNet: Deep Learning to Hash by Continuation

thuml/HashNet ICCV 2017

Learning to hash has been widely applied to approximate nearest neighbor search for large-scale multimedia retrieval, due to its computation efficiency and retrieval quality.

A selectional auto-encoder approach for document image binarization

ajgallego/document-image-binarization 30 Jun 2017

Binarization plays a key role in the automatic information retrieval from document images.

Classification is a Strong Baseline for Deep Metric Learning

azgo14/classification_metric_learning 30 Nov 2018

Deep metric learning aims to learn a function mapping image pixels to embedding feature vectors that model the similarity between images.

Forward and Backward Information Retention for Accurate Binary Neural Networks

htqin/IR-Net CVPR 2020

Our empirical study indicates that the quantization brings information loss in both forward and backward propagation, which is the bottleneck of training accurate binary neural networks.

LUTNet: Learning FPGA Configurations for Highly Efficient Neural Network Inference

awai54st/LUTNet 24 Oct 2019

Research has shown that deep neural networks contain significant redundancy, and thus that high classification accuracy can be achieved even when weights and activations are quantized down to binary values.

Neural Network Compression Framework for fast model inference

openvinotoolkit/nncf_pytorch 20 Feb 2020

In this work we present a new framework for neural networks compression with fine-tuning, which we called Neural Network Compression Framework (NNCF).

BiDet: An Efficient Binarized Object Detector

ZiweiWangTHU/BiDet CVPR 2020

Conventional network binarization methods directly quantize the weights and activations in one-stage or two-stage detectors with constrained representational capacity, so that the information redundancy in the networks causes numerous false positives and degrades the performance significantly.

Binary Neural Networks: A Survey

htqin/awesome-model-quantization 31 Mar 2020

The binary neural network, largely saving the storage and computation, serves as a promising technique for deploying deep models on resource-limited devices.

Rotated Binary Neural Network

lmbxmu/RBNN NeurIPS 2020

In this paper, for the first time, we explore the influence of angular bias on the quantization error and then introduce a Rotated Binary Neural Network (RBNN), which considers the angle alignment between the full-precision weight vector and its binarized version.

FracBNN: Accurate and FPGA-Efficient Binary Neural Networks with Fractional Activations

cornell-zhang/FracBNN 22 Dec 2020

We design an efficient FPGA-based accelerator for our novel BNN model that supports the fractional activations.