
157 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 7 datasets

Colorization is the process of adding plausible color information to monochrome photographs or videos. Colorization is a highly undetermined problem, requiring mapping a real-valued luminance image to a three-dimensional color-valued one, that has not a unique solution.

Source: ChromaGAN: An Adversarial Approach for Picture Colorization


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Most implemented papers

ChromaGAN: Adversarial Picture Colorization with Semantic Class Distribution

pvitoria/ChromaGAN 23 Jul 2019

In this paper, we propose an adversarial learning colorization approach coupled with semantic information.

Wavelet Transform-assisted Adaptive Generative Modeling for Colorization

yqx7150/WACM 9 Jul 2021

Unsupervised deep learning has recently demonstrated the promise of producing high-quality samples.

Learning Representations for Automatic Colorization

gustavla/autocolorize 22 Mar 2016

This intermediate output can be used to automatically generate a color image, or further manipulated prior to image formation.

Real-Time User-Guided Image Colorization with Learned Deep Priors

junyanz/interactive-deep-colorization 8 May 2017

The system directly maps a grayscale image, along with sparse, local user "hints" to an output colorization with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).

Automatic Temporally Coherent Video Colorization

Harry-Thasarathan/TCVC 21 Apr 2019

This paper proposes a method to colorize line art frames in an adversarial setting, to create temporally coherent video of large anime by improving existing image to image translation methods.

Color2Embed: Fast Exemplar-Based Image Colorization using Color Embeddings

zhaohengyuan1/Color2Style 15 Jun 2021

In this paper, we present a fast exemplar-based image colorization approach using color embeddings named Color2Embed.

Zero-Shot Image Restoration Using Denoising Diffusion Null-Space Model

wyhuai/ddnm 1 Dec 2022

Most existing Image Restoration (IR) models are task-specific, which can not be generalized to different degradation operators.