Crop Yield Prediction

16 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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A CNN-RNN Framework for Crop Yield Prediction

saeedkhaki92/CNN-RNN-Yield-Prediction 20 Nov 2019

Crop yield prediction is extremely challenging due to its dependence on multiple factors such as crop genotype, environmental factors, management practices, and their interactions.

Multiple Instance Choquet Integral Classifier Fusion and Regression for Remote Sensing Applications

GatorSense/MICI 11 Mar 2018

In classifier (or regression) fusion the aim is to combine the outputs of several algorithms to boost overall performance.

EarthNet2021: A large-scale dataset and challenge for Earth surface forecasting as a guided video prediction task

earthnet2021/earthnet-model-intercomparison-suite 16 Apr 2021

We frame Earth surface forecasting as the task of predicting satellite imagery conditioned on future weather.

The CropAndWeed Dataset: A Multi-Modal Learning Approach for Efficient Crop and Weed Manipulation

cropandweed/cropandweed-dataset Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2023

Precision Agriculture and especially the application of automated weed intervention represents an increasingly essential research area, as sustainability and efficiency considerations are becoming more and more relevant.

Deep Gaussian Process for Crop Yield Prediction Based on Remote Sensing Data

JiaxuanYou/crop_yield_prediction AAAI 2017 2017

Agricultural monitoring, especially in developing countries, can help prevent famine and support humanitarian efforts.

Crop Yield Prediction Using Deep Neural Networks

saeedkhaki92/Yield-Prediction-DNN 7 Feb 2019

Crop yield is a highly complex trait determined by multiple factors such as genotype, environment, and their interactions.

EarthNet2021: A novel large-scale dataset and challenge for forecasting localized climate impacts

earthnet2021/earthnet-model-intercomparison-suite 11 Dec 2020

Here, we define high-resolution Earth surface forecasting as video prediction of satellite imagery conditional on mesoscale weather forecasts.

Predicting crop yields with little ground truth: A simple statistical model for in-season forecasting

gro-intelligence/api-client 16 Jun 2021

We present a fully automated model for in-season crop yield prediction, designed to work where there is a dearth of sub-national "ground truth" information.

Multimodal Performers for Genomic Selection and Crop Yield Prediction

haakom/pay-attention-to-genomic-selection Smart Agricultural Technology 2021

We show that the performer-based models significantly outperform the traditional approaches, achieving an R score of 0. 820 and a root mean squared error of 69. 05, compared to 0. 807 and 71. 63, and 0. 076 and 149. 78 for the best traditional neural network and traditional Bayesian approach respectively.

A GNN-RNN Approach for Harnessing Geospatial and Temporal Information: Application to Crop Yield Prediction

JunwenBai/GNN-RNN 17 Nov 2021

As far as we know, this is the first machine learning method that embeds geographical knowledge in crop yield prediction and predicts the crop yields at county level nationwide.