Data Poisoning

125 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Data Poisoning is an adversarial attack that tries to manipulate the training dataset in order to control the prediction behavior of a trained model such that the model will label malicious examples into a desired classes (e.g., labeling spam e-mails as safe).

Source: Explaining Vulnerabilities to Adversarial Machine Learning through Visual Analytics


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Most implemented papers

Just How Toxic is Data Poisoning? A Unified Benchmark for Backdoor and Data Poisoning Attacks

aks2203/poisoning-benchmark 22 Jun 2020

Data poisoning and backdoor attacks manipulate training data in order to cause models to fail during inference.

Data Poisoning Attacks Against Federated Learning Systems

git-disl/DataPoisoning_FL 16 Jul 2020

Federated learning (FL) is an emerging paradigm for distributed training of large-scale deep neural networks in which participants' data remains on their own devices with only model updates being shared with a central server.

Witches' Brew: Industrial Scale Data Poisoning via Gradient Matching

JonasGeiping/poisoning-gradient-matching ICLR 2021

We consider a particularly malicious poisoning attack that is both "from scratch" and "clean label", meaning we analyze an attack that successfully works against new, randomly initialized models, and is nearly imperceptible to humans, all while perturbing only a small fraction of the training data.

Data Poisoning Attacks on Regression Learning and Corresponding Defenses

Fraunhofer-AISEC/regression_data_poisoning 15 Sep 2020

Adversarial data poisoning is an effective attack against machine learning and threatens model integrity by introducing poisoned data into the training dataset.

Adversarial Examples Make Strong Poisons

lhfowl/adversarial_poisons NeurIPS 2021

The adversarial machine learning literature is largely partitioned into evasion attacks on testing data and poisoning attacks on training data.

Bilevel Optimization with a Lower-level Contraction: Optimal Sample Complexity without Warm-start

csml-iit-ucl/bioptexps NeurIPS 2023

We analyse a general class of bilevel problems, in which the upper-level problem consists in the minimization of a smooth objective function and the lower-level problem is to find the fixed point of a smooth contraction map.

Autoregressive Perturbations for Data Poisoning

psandovalsegura/autoregressive-poisoning 8 Jun 2022

Unfortunately, existing methods require knowledge of both the target architecture and the complete dataset so that a surrogate network can be trained, the parameters of which are used to generate the attack.

Adversarial Robustness of Representation Learning for Knowledge Graphs

perubhardwaj/inferenceattack 30 Sep 2022

This thesis argues that state-of-the-art KGE models are vulnerable to data poisoning attacks, that is, their predictive performance can be degraded by systematically crafted perturbations to the training knowledge graph.

Not All Poisons are Created Equal: Robust Training against Data Poisoning

yuyang0901/effective-poison-identification 18 Oct 2022

Data poisoning causes misclassification of test time target examples by injecting maliciously crafted samples in the training data.

Run-Off Election: Improved Provable Defense against Data Poisoning Attacks

k1rezaei/run-off-election 5 Feb 2023

Based on this approach, we propose DPA+ROE and FA+ROE defense methods based on Deep Partition Aggregation (DPA) and Finite Aggregation (FA) approaches from prior work.