Deep Hashing

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Most implemented papers

Deep Hashing with Category Mask for Fast Video Retrieval

willard-yuan/hashing-baseline-for-image-retrieval 22 Dec 2017

This paper proposes an end-to-end deep hashing framework with category mask for fast video retrieval.

Dual Asymmetric Deep Hashing Learning

deepakks1995/DeepHashing 25 Jan 2018

The deep hash functions are then learned through two networks by minimizing the gap between the learned features and discrete codes.

Improved Deep Hashing with Soft Pairwise Similarity for Multi-label Image Retrieval

pectinid16/IDHN 8 Mar 2018

In this paper, a new deep hashing method is proposed for multi-label image retrieval by re-defining the pairwise similarity into an instance similarity, where the instance similarity is quantified into a percentage based on the normalized semantic labels.

Deep Class-Wise Hashing: Semantics-Preserving Hashing via Class-wise Loss

mzhang367/dcwh 12 Mar 2018

In this regard, we propose a novel deep supervised hashing model to learn more compact class-level similarity preserving binary codes.

SketchMate: Deep Hashing for Million-Scale Human Sketch Retrieval

tosmaster/imagevision CVPR 2018

Key to our network design is the embedding of unique characteristics of human sketch, where (i) a two-branch CNN-RNN architecture is adapted to explore the temporal ordering of strokes, and (ii) a novel hashing loss is specifically designed to accommodate both the temporal and abstract traits of sketches.

Semantic Structure-based Unsupervised Deep Hashing

yangerkun/IJCAI2018_SSDH IJCAI2018 2018

Hashing is becoming increasingly popular for approximate nearest neighbor searching in massive databases due to its storage and search efficiency.

Semantic Cluster Unary Loss for Efficient Deep Hashing

zsffq999/SCDH 15 May 2018

The resultant hashcodes form several compact clusters, which means hashcodes in the same cluster have similar semantic information.

FMHash: Deep Hashing of In-Air-Handwriting for User Identification

duolu/fmkit 10 Jun 2018

Many mobile systems and wearable devices, such as Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR) headsets, lack a keyboard or touchscreen to type an ID and password for signing into a virtual website.

Weakly Supervised Deep Image Hashing through Tag Embeddings

Vijetha1/WDHT CVPR 2019

We utilize the information contained in the user-generated tags associated with the images to learn the hash codes.

Deep Priority Hashing

thuml/DPH 4 Sep 2018

Deep hashing enables image retrieval by end-to-end learning of deep representations and hash codes from training data with pairwise similarity information.