Edge Classification

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Most implemented papers

EvolveGCN: Evolving Graph Convolutional Networks for Dynamic Graphs

IBM/EvolveGCN 26 Feb 2019

Existing approaches typically resort to node embeddings and use a recurrent neural network (RNN, broadly speaking) to regulate the embeddings and learn the temporal dynamics.

Global Self-Attention as a Replacement for Graph Convolution

shamim-hussain/egt_pytorch 7 Aug 2021

The resultant framework - which we call Edge-augmented Graph Transformer (EGT) - can directly accept, process and output structural information of arbitrary form, which is important for effective learning on graph-structured data.

LaneNet: Real-Time Lane Detection Networks for Autonomous Driving

klintan/pytorch-lanenet 4 Jul 2018

Lane detection is to detect lanes on the road and provide the accurate location and shape of each lane.

Learning and Reasoning with the Graph Structure Representation in Robotic Surgery

mobarakol/Surgical_SceneGraph_Generation 7 Jul 2020

Learning to infer graph representations and performing spatial reasoning in a complex surgical environment can play a vital role in surgical scene understanding in robotic surgery.

Adaptive Edge Attention for Graph Matching with Outliers

bestwei/eagm International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2021

To explore the potential of edges, EAGM learns edge attention on the assignment graph to 1) reveal the impact of each edge on graph matching, as well as 2) adjust the learning of edge representations adaptively.

GRAPE for Fast and Scalable Graph Processing and random walk-based Embedding

anacletolab/grape 12 Oct 2021

Graph Representation Learning (GRL) methods opened new avenues for addressing complex, real-world problems represented by graphs.

DiGress: Discrete Denoising diffusion for graph generation

cvignac/digress 29 Sep 2022

This work introduces DiGress, a discrete denoising diffusion model for generating graphs with categorical node and edge attributes.

Dynamic Graph Convolutional Networks Using the Tensor M-Product


In recent years, a variety of graph neural networks (GNNs) have been successfully applied for representation learning and prediction on such graphs.

Shearlets as Feature Extractor for Semantic Edge Detection: The Model-Based and Data-Driven Realm

arsenal9971/shearlet_semantic_edge 27 Nov 2019

This is based on the fact that edges in images contain most of the semantic information.

Real-Time Edge Classification: Optimal Offloading under Token Bucket Constraints

ayanc/edgeml.mdp 26 Oct 2020

To deploy machine learning-based algorithms for real-time applications with strict latency constraints, we consider an edge-computing setting where a subset of inputs are offloaded to the edge for processing by an accurate but resource-intensive model, and the rest are processed only by a less-accurate model on the device itself.