Explanation Generation

65 papers with code • 5 benchmarks • 9 datasets

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2 papers

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Explainable Agency by Revealing Suboptimality in Child-Robot Learning Scenarios

Silviatulli/suboptimax 6 Nov 2020

In the application scenario, the child and the robot learn together how to play a zero-sum game that requires logical and mathematical thinking.

LIREx: Augmenting Language Inference with Relevant Explanation

zhaoxy92/LIREx 16 Dec 2020

Natural language explanations (NLEs) are a special form of data annotation in which annotators identify rationales (most significant text tokens) when assigning labels to data instances, and write out explanations for the labels in natural language based on the rationales.

Explain and Predict, and then Predict Again

JoshuaGhost/expred 11 Jan 2021

A desirable property of learning systems is to be both effective and interpretable.

Faithfully Explainable Recommendation via Neural Logic Reasoning

orcax/LOGER NAACL 2021

Knowledge graphs (KG) have become increasingly important to endow modern recommender systems with the ability to generate traceable reasoning paths to explain the recommendation process.

Zorro: Valid, Sparse, and Stable Explanations in Graph Neural Networks

funket/zorro 18 May 2021

In this paper, we lay down some of the fundamental principles that an explanation method for graph neural networks should follow and introduce a metric RDT-Fidelity as a measure of the explanation's effectiveness.

Generating High-Quality Explanations for Navigation in Partially-Revealed Environments

rail-group/xai-nav-under-uncertainty-neurips2021 NeurIPS 2021

We present an approach for generating natural language explanations of high-level behavior of autonomous agents navigating in partially-revealed environments.

An Information Retrieval Approach to Building Datasets for Hate Speech Detection

mdmustafizurrahman/An-Information-Retrieval-Approach-to-Building-Datasets-for-Hate-Speech-Detection 17 Jun 2021

Our key insight is that the rarity and subjectivity of hate speech are akin to that of relevance in information retrieval (IR).

Explainable Debugger for Black-box Machine Learning Models

peymanrasouli/XdebugML 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2021

In this paper, we propose a systematic debugging framework for the development of ML models that guides the data engineering process using the model's decision boundary.

Learn-Explain-Reinforce: Counterfactual Reasoning and Its Guidance to Reinforce an Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis Model

ku-milab/lear 21 Aug 2021

Existing studies on disease diagnostic models focus either on diagnostic model learning for performance improvement or on the visual explanation of a trained diagnostic model.

A Framework for Learning Ante-hoc Explainable Models via Concepts

anirbansarkar-cs/Ante-hoc_Explainability_Concepts CVPR 2022

To the best of our knowledge, we are the first ante-hoc explanation generation method to show results with a large-scale dataset such as ImageNet.