Feature Importance

254 papers with code • 6 benchmarks • 5 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Understanding Global Feature Contributions With Additive Importance Measures

iancovert/sage NeurIPS 2020

Understanding the inner workings of complex machine learning models is a long-standing problem and most recent research has focused on local interpretability.

Efficient nonparametric statistical inference on population feature importance using Shapley values

bdwilliamson/vimp ICML 2020

The true population-level importance of a variable in a prediction task provides useful knowledge about the underlying data-generating mechanism and can help in deciding which measurements to collect in subsequent experiments.

Relative Feature Importance

gcskoenig/icpr2020-rfi 16 Jul 2020

Interpretable Machine Learning (IML) methods are used to gain insight into the relevance of a feature of interest for the performance of a model.

Collection and Validation of Psychophysiological Data from Professional and Amateur Players: a Multimodal eSports Dataset

smerdov/eSports_Sensors_Dataset 2 Nov 2020

An important feature of the dataset is simultaneous data collection from five players, which facilitates the analysis of sensor data on a team level.

Feature Importance-aware Transferable Adversarial Attacks

hcguoO0/FIA ICCV 2021

More specifically, we obtain feature importance by introducing the aggregate gradient, which averages the gradients with respect to feature maps of the source model, computed on a batch of random transforms of the original clean image.

Label-Free Explainability for Unsupervised Models

vanderschaarlab/mlforhealthlabpub 3 Mar 2022

Unsupervised black-box models are challenging to interpret.

Interpretable machine learning for time-to-event prediction in medicine and healthcare

modeloriented/survex 17 Mar 2023

Time-to-event prediction, e. g. cancer survival analysis or hospital length of stay, is a highly prominent machine learning task in medical and healthcare applications.

Interpretation of Neural Networks is Fragile

pytorch/captum 29 Oct 2017

In this paper, we show that interpretation of deep learning predictions is extremely fragile in the following sense: two perceptively indistinguishable inputs with the same predicted label can be assigned very different interpretations.

Towards Automatic Concept-based Explanations

amiratag/ACE NeurIPS 2019

Interpretability has become an important topic of research as more machine learning (ML) models are deployed and widely used to make important decisions.

Sampling, Intervention, Prediction, Aggregation: A Generalized Framework for Model-Agnostic Interpretations

koalaverse/vip 8 Apr 2019

Model-agnostic interpretation techniques allow us to explain the behavior of any predictive model.