Game Design

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The N-Tuple Bandit Evolutionary Algorithm for Automatic Game Improvement

SimonLucas/ntbea 18 Mar 2017

This paper describes a new evolutionary algorithm that is especially well suited to AI-Assisted Game Design.

Sampled Policy Gradient for Learning to Play the Game

RUKip/MachineLearningProject 15 Sep 2018

In this paper, a new offline actor-critic learning algorithm is introduced: Sampled Policy Gradient (SPG).

Beyond the Meta: Leveraging Game Design Parameters for Patch-Agnostic Esport Analytics

chitaapc/dota2ccr 29 May 2023

Therefore, the proposed methodology for representing characters can increase the life-spam of machine learning models as well as contribute to a higher performance when compared to traditional techniques typically employed within the literature.

Automated Game Design Learning

JoeOsborn/mechlearn 11 Jul 2017

While general game playing is an active field of research, the learning of game design has tended to be either a secondary goal of such research or it has been solely the domain of humans.

A Continuous Information Gain Measure to Find the Most Discriminatory Problems for AI Benchmarking

stepmat/ContinuousInformationGain 9 Sep 2018

This paper introduces an information-theoretic method for selecting a subset of problems which gives the most information about a group of problem-solving algorithms.

Metagame Autobalancing for Competitive Multiplayer Games

Danielhp95/Regym 8 Jun 2020

Automated game balancing has often focused on single-agent scenarios.

Online Game Level Generation from Music

pneuc/oparl 12 Jul 2022

Game consists of multiple types of content, while the harmony of different content types play an essential role in game design.

Learning Models of Adversarial Agent Behavior under Partial Observability

core-robotics-lab/opponent-modeling 19 Jun 2023

The need for opponent modeling and tracking arises in several real-world scenarios, such as professional sports, video game design, and drug-trafficking interdiction.

Word2World: Generating Stories and Worlds through Large Language Models

umair-nasir14/word2world 6 May 2024

Word2World leverages the abilities of LLMs to create diverse content and extract information.