General Knowledge

95 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 2 datasets

This task aims to evaluate the ability of a model to answer general-knowledge questions.

Source: BIG-bench


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Most implemented papers

Transformers as Soft Reasoners over Language

allenai/ruletaker 14 Feb 2020

However, expressing the knowledge in a formal (logical or probabilistic) representation has been a major obstacle to this research.

Exploiting Adapters for Cross-lingual Low-resource Speech Recognition

jindongwang/transferlearning 18 May 2021

Based on our previous MetaAdapter that implicitly leverages adapters, we propose a novel algorithms called SimAdapter for explicitly learning knowledge from adapters.

BEAMetrics: A Benchmark for Language Generation Evaluation Evaluation

thomasscialom/beametrics 18 Oct 2021

There is currently no simple, unified way to compare, analyse or evaluate metrics across a representative set of tasks.

Scaling Language Models: Methods, Analysis & Insights from Training Gopher

allenai/dolma NA 2021

Language modelling provides a step towards intelligent communication systems by harnessing large repositories of written human knowledge to better predict and understand the world.

Training Compute-Optimal Large Language Models

karpathy/llama2.c 29 Mar 2022

We investigate the optimal model size and number of tokens for training a transformer language model under a given compute budget.

CC-Riddle: A Question Answering Dataset of Chinese Character Riddles

pku0xff/cc-riddle 28 Jun 2022

Solving Chinese character riddles is a challenging task that demands understanding of character glyph, general knowledge, and a grasp of figurative language.

Knowledge Distillation for Detection Transformer with Consistent Distillation Points Sampling

PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection 15 Nov 2022

In this paper, we focus on the compression of DETR with knowledge distillation.

Adapting a Language Model While Preserving its General Knowledge

uic-liu-lab/dga 21 Jan 2023

This paper shows that the existing methods are suboptimal and proposes a novel method to perform a more informed adaptation of the knowledge in the LM by (1) soft-masking the attention heads based on their importance to best preserve the general knowledge in the LM and (2) contrasting the representations of the general and the full (both general and domain knowledge) to learn an integrated representation with both general and domain-specific knowledge.

Continual Pre-training of Language Models

UIC-Liu-Lab/ContinualLM 7 Feb 2023

A novel proxy is also proposed to preserve the general knowledge in the original LM.

Exploring the Potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Learning on Graphs

CurryTang/Graph-LLM 7 Jul 2023

The most popular pipeline for learning on graphs with textual node attributes primarily relies on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), and utilizes shallow text embedding as initial node representations, which has limitations in general knowledge and profound semantic understanding.