Graph Embedding

481 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 11 datasets

Graph embeddings learn a mapping from a network to a vector space, while preserving relevant network properties.

( Image credit: GAT )


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Most implemented papers

struc2vec: Learning Node Representations from Structural Identity

leoribeiro/struc2vec 11 Apr 2017

Implementation and experiments of graph embedding algorithms. deep walk, LINE(Large-scale Information Network Embedding), node2vec, SDNE(Structural Deep Network Embedding), struc2vec

Spherical and Hyperbolic Toric Topology-Based Codes On Graph Embedding for Ising MRF Models: Classical and Quantum Topology Machine Learning

lcrypto/classical-and-quantum-topology-ml-toric-spherical 28 Jul 2023

Additionally, the layer depth in QAOA correlates to the number of decoding belief propagation iterations in the Wiberg decoding tree.

Representation Learning for Attributed Multiplex Heterogeneous Network

cenyk1230/GATNE 5 May 2019

Network embedding (or graph embedding) has been widely used in many real-world applications.

Graph Embedding on Biomedical Networks: Methods, Applications, and Evaluations

xiangyue9607/BioNEV 12 Jun 2019

Our experimental results demonstrate that the recent graph embedding methods achieve promising results and deserve more attention in the future biomedical graph analysis.

Knowledge Graph Embedding for Ecotoxicological Effect Prediction

Erik-BM/NIVAUC 2 Jul 2019

A knowledge graph has been constructed from publicly available data sets, including a species taxonomy and chemical classification and similarity.

Composition-based Multi-Relational Graph Convolutional Networks

malllabiisc/CompGCN ICLR 2020

Multi-relational graphs are a more general and prevalent form of graphs where each edge has a label and direction associated with it.

Interstellar: Searching Recurrent Architecture for Knowledge Graph Embedding

AutoML-4Paradigm/Interstellar NeurIPS 2020

In this work, based on the relational paths, which are composed of a sequence of triplets, we define the Interstellar as a recurrent neural architecture search problem for the short-term and long-term information along the paths.

Fast Sequence-Based Embedding with Diffusion Graphs

benedekrozemberczki/diff2vec 21 Jan 2020

A graph embedding is a representation of graph vertices in a low-dimensional space, which approximately preserves properties such as distances between nodes.

Inductive Representation Learning on Temporal Graphs

StatsDLMathsRecomSys/Inductive-representation-learning-on-temporal-graphs ICLR 2020

Moreover, node and topological features can be temporal as well, whose patterns the node embeddings should also capture.

Multi-Relational Embedding for Knowledge Graph Representation and Analysis

tranhungnghiep/AnalyzeKGE PhD Dissertation, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI, Japan 2020

The goal of this thesis is first to study multi-relational embedding on knowledge graphs to propose a new embedding model that explains and improves previous methods, then to study the applications of multi-relational embedding in representation and analysis of knowledge graphs.