Intent Discovery

16 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 3 datasets

Given a set of labelled and unlabelled utterances, the idea is to identify existing (known) intents and potential (new intents) intents. This method can be utilised in conversational system setting.

Most implemented papers

Decoupling Pseudo Label Disambiguation and Representation Learning for Generalized Intent Discovery

songxiaoshuai/dpl 28 May 2023

Previous methods suffer from a coupling of pseudo label disambiguation and representation learning, that is, the reliability of pseudo labels relies on representation learning, and representation learning is restricted by pseudo labels in turn.

IDAS: Intent Discovery with Abstractive Summarization

maarten-deraedt/idas-intent-discovery-with-abstract-summarization 31 May 2023

Intent discovery is the task of inferring latent intents from a set of unlabeled utterances, and is a useful step towards the efficient creation of new conversational agents.

Continual Generalized Intent Discovery: Marching Towards Dynamic and Open-world Intent Recognition

songxiaoshuai/CGID 16 Oct 2023

In a practical dialogue system, users may input out-of-domain (OOD) queries.

Large Language Models Meet Open-World Intent Discovery and Recognition: An Evaluation of ChatGPT

songxiaoshuai/OOD-Evaluation 16 Oct 2023

The tasks of out-of-domain (OOD) intent discovery and generalized intent discovery (GID) aim to extend a closed intent classifier to open-world intent sets, which is crucial to task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems.

A Diffusion Weighted Graph Framework for New Intent Discovery

yibai-shi/dwgf 24 Oct 2023

New Intent Discovery (NID) aims to recognize both new and known intents from unlabeled data with the aid of limited labeled data containing only known intents.