Low-latency processing

4 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Most implemented papers

A Multi-Phase Gammatone Filterbank for Speech Separation via TasNet

sp-uhh/mp-gtf 25 Oct 2019

In this work, we investigate if the learned encoder of the end-to-end convolutional time domain audio separation network (Conv-TasNet) is the key to its recent success, or if the encoder can just as well be replaced by a deterministic hand-crafted filterbank.

High-Fidelity and Low-Latency Universal Neural Vocoder based on Multiband WaveRNN with Data-Driven Linear Prediction for Discrete Waveform Modeling

patrickltobing/cyclevae-vc-neuralvoco 20 May 2021

This paper presents a novel high-fidelity and low-latency universal neural vocoder framework based on multiband WaveRNN with data-driven linear prediction for discrete waveform modeling (MWDLP).

Machine Learning 5G Attack Detection in Programmable Logic

IdahoLabResearch/5GAD IEEE Globecom 2022

Machine learning-assisted network security may significantly contribute to securing 5G components.

Hype or Heuristic? Quantum Reinforcement Learning for Join Order Optimisation

lfd/rl_for_jo 13 May 2024

It is able to handle general bushy join trees instead of resorting to simpler left-deep variants as compared to approaches based on quantum(-inspired) optimisation, yet requires multiple orders of magnitudes fewer qubits, which is a scarce resource even for post-NISQ systems.