OpenAI Gym

169 papers with code • 14 benchmarks • 3 datasets

An open-source toolkit from OpenAI that implements several Reinforcement Learning benchmarks including: classic control, Atari, Robotics and MuJoCo tasks.

(Description by Evolutionary learning of interpretable decision trees)

(Image Credit: OpenAI Gym)


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5 papers
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Most implemented papers

TorchBeast: A PyTorch Platform for Distributed RL

heiner/scalable_agent 8 Oct 2019

TorchBeast is a platform for reinforcement learning (RL) research in PyTorch.

Implicit Distributional Reinforcement Learning

zhougroup/IDAC NeurIPS 2020

To improve the sample efficiency of policy-gradient based reinforcement learning algorithms, we propose implicit distributional actor-critic (IDAC) that consists of a distributional critic, built on two deep generator networks (DGNs), and a semi-implicit actor (SIA), powered by a flexible policy distribution.

COOL-MC: A Comprehensive Tool for Reinforcement Learning and Model Checking

dennisgross/cool-mc 15 Sep 2022

This paper presents COOL-MC, a tool that integrates state-of-the-art reinforcement learning (RL) and model checking.

A Benchmark Environment Motivated by Industrial Control Problems

siemens/industrialbenchmark 27 Sep 2017

On one hand, these benchmarks are designed to provide interpretable RL training scenarios and detailed insight into the learning process of the method on hand.

Recurrent Predictive State Policy Networks

ahefnycmu/rpsp ICML 2018

Predictive state policy networks consist of a recursive filter, which keeps track of a belief about the state of the environment, and a reactive policy that directly maps beliefs to actions, to maximize the cumulative reward.

Monte Carlo Tree Search for Asymmetric Trees

tmoer/mcts-t 23 May 2018

Asymmetric termination of search trees introduces a type of uncertainty for which the standard upper confidence bound (UCB) formula does not account.

Deep Reinforcement Learning for General Video Game AI

rubenrtorrado/GVGAI_GYM 6 Jun 2018

In this paper, we describe how we interface GVGAI to the OpenAI Gym environment, a widely used way of connecting agents to reinforcement learning problems.

Deep Reinforcement Learning with Feedback-based Exploration

pemami4911/deep-rl 14 Mar 2019

We employ binary corrective feedback as a general and intuitive manner to incorporate human intuition and domain knowledge in model-free machine learning.

Towards Interactive Training of Non-Player Characters in Video Games

nekkar/interactive_training 3 Jun 2019

We propose to create such NPC behaviors interactively by training an agent in the target environment using imitation learning with a human in the loop.

MoËT: Mixture of Expert Trees and its Application to Verifiable Reinforcement Learning

marko-vasic/moet 16 Jun 2019

By training Mo\"ET models using an imitation learning procedure on deep RL agents we outperform the previous state-of-the-art technique based on decision trees while preserving the verifiability of the models.