Passage Re-Ranking

18 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Passage re-ranking is the task of scoring and re-ranking a collection of retrieved documents based on an input query.

Most implemented papers

Fast Passage Re-ranking with Contextualized Exact Term Matching and Efficient Passage Expansion

ielab/tilde 19 Aug 2021

BERT-based information retrieval models are expensive, in both time (query latency) and computational resources (energy, hardware cost), making many of these models impractical especially under resource constraints.

RocketQAv2: A Joint Training Method for Dense Passage Retrieval and Passage Re-ranking

paddlepaddle/rocketqa EMNLP 2021

In this paper, we propose a novel joint training approach for dense passage retrieval and passage re-ranking.

HLATR: Enhance Multi-stage Text Retrieval with Hybrid List Aware Transformer Reranking

Alibaba-NLP/HLATR 21 May 2022

Existing text retrieval systems with state-of-the-art performance usually adopt a retrieve-then-reranking architecture due to the high computational cost of pre-trained language models and the large corpus size.

T2Ranking: A large-scale Chinese Benchmark for Passage Ranking

thuir/t2ranking 7 Apr 2023

T2Ranking comprises more than 300K queries and over 2M unique passages from real-world search engines.

Improving Conversational Passage Re-ranking with View Ensemble

cnclabs/codes.cs.sampling 26 Apr 2023

This paper presents ConvRerank, a conversational passage re-ranker that employs a newly developed pseudo-labeling approach.

Adapting Language Models to Compress Contexts

princeton-nlp/autocompressors 24 May 2023

Transformer-based language models (LMs) are powerful and widely-applicable tools, but their usefulness is constrained by a finite context window and the expensive computational cost of processing long text documents.

Multi-Granularity Guided Fusion-in-Decoder

eunseongc/mgfid 3 Apr 2024

In Open-domain Question Answering (ODQA), it is essential to discern relevant contexts as evidence and avoid spurious ones among retrieved results.

A Systematic Investigation of Distilling Large Language Models into Cross-Encoders for Passage Re-ranking

webis-de/msmarco-llm-distillation 13 May 2024

Cross-encoders distilled from large language models are more effective re-rankers than cross-encoders fine-tuned using manually labeled data.