Relation Network

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One Thing One Click: A Self-Training Approach for Weakly Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation

liuzhengzhe/One-Thing-One-Click CVPR 2021

Point cloud semantic segmentation often requires largescale annotated training data, but clearly, point-wise labels are too tedious to prepare.

1st Place Solution for PSG competition with ECCV'22 SenseHuman Workshop

wangqixun/mfpsg 6 Feb 2023

Panoptic Scene Graph (PSG) generation aims to generate scene graph representations based on panoptic segmentation instead of rigid bounding boxes.

FigureQA: An Annotated Figure Dataset for Visual Reasoning

vmichals/FigureQA-baseline ICLR 2018

To resolve, such questions often require reference to multiple plot elements and synthesis of information distributed spatially throughout a figure.

Appearance-and-Relation Networks for Video Classification

wanglimin/ARTNet CVPR 2018

Specifically, SMART blocks decouple the spatiotemporal learning module into an appearance branch for spatial modeling and a relation branch for temporal modeling.

Actor-Centric Relation Network

open-mmlab/mmaction2 ECCV 2018

A visualization of the learned relation features confirms that our approach is able to attend to the relevant relations for each action.

Learning to Learn Relation for Important People Detection in Still Images

DorBernsohn/TrainingDynamics CVPR 2019

In this work, we propose a deep imPOrtance relatIon NeTwork (POINT) that combines both relation modeling and feature learning.

GRN: Gated Relation Network to Enhance Convolutional Neural Network for Named Entity Recognition

microsoft/vert-papers 12 Jul 2019

The dominant approaches for named entity recognition (NER) mostly adopt complex recurrent neural networks (RNN), e. g., long-short-term-memory (LSTM).

Relation Network for Multi-label Aerial Image Classification

Hua-YS/AID-Multilabel-Dataset 16 Jul 2019

Particularly, our network consists of three elemental modules: 1) a label-wise feature parcel learning module, 2) an attentional region extraction module, and 3) a label relational inference module.

A Multi-level Neural Network for Implicit Causality Detection in Web Texts

shiningliang/Multi-level-Causality-Detection-Network 18 Aug 2019

Mining causality from text is a complex and crucial natural language understanding task corresponding to the human cognition.

IRNet: Instance Relation Network for Overlapping Cervical Cell Segmentation

2023-MindSpore-1/ms-code-214 19 Aug 2019

In this paper, we propose a novel Instance Relation Network (IRNet) for robust overlapping cell segmentation by exploring instance relation interaction.