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4 papers

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Enriching Pre-trained Language Model with Entity Information for Relation Classification

monologg/R-BERT 20 May 2019

In this paper, we propose a model that both leverages the pre-trained BERT language model and incorporates information from the target entities to tackle the relation classification task.

Improving Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction using Word and Entity Based Attention

malllabiisc/RESIDE 19 Apr 2018

Relation extraction is the problem of classifying the relationship between two entities in a given sentence.

Semantic Relation Classification via Bidirectional LSTM Networks with Entity-aware Attention using Latent Entity Typing

roomylee/entity-aware-relation-classification 23 Jan 2019

Our model not only utilizes entities and their latent types as features effectively but also is more interpretable by visualizing attention mechanisms applied to our model and results of LET.

Graph Convolutional Reinforcement Learning


The key is to understand the mutual interplay between agents.

Relation-Shape Convolutional Neural Network for Point Cloud Analysis

Yochengliu/Relation-Shape-CNN CVPR 2019

Specifically, the convolutional weight for local point set is forced to learn a high-level relation expression from predefined geometric priors, between a sampled point from this point set and the others.

DocRED: A Large-Scale Document-Level Relation Extraction Dataset

thunlp/DocRED ACL 2019

Multiple entities in a document generally exhibit complex inter-sentence relations, and cannot be well handled by existing relation extraction (RE) methods that typically focus on extracting intra-sentence relations for single entity pairs.

RAT-SQL: Relation-Aware Schema Encoding and Linking for Text-to-SQL Parsers

Microsoft/rat-sql ACL 2020

The generalization challenge lies in (a) encoding the database relations in an accessible way for the semantic parser, and (b) modeling alignment between database columns and their mentions in a given query.

Relational Message Passing for Knowledge Graph Completion

hwwang55/PathCon 17 Feb 2020

Specifically, two kinds of neighborhood topology are modeled for a given entity pair under the relational message passing framework: (1) Relational context, which captures the relation types of edges adjacent to the given entity pair; (2) Relational paths, which characterize the relative position between the given two entities in the knowledge graph.

AutoPrompt: Eliciting Knowledge from Language Models with Automatically Generated Prompts

ucinlp/autoprompt EMNLP 2020

The remarkable success of pretrained language models has motivated the study of what kinds of knowledge these models learn during pretraining.

NodePiece: Compositional and Parameter-Efficient Representations of Large Knowledge Graphs

migalkin/NodePiece ICLR 2022

To this end, we propose NodePiece, an anchor-based approach to learn a fixed-size entity vocabulary.