Semi-Supervised Image Classification

124 papers with code • 58 benchmarks • 13 datasets

Semi-supervised image classification leverages unlabelled data as well as labelled data to increase classification performance.

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( Image credit: Self-Supervised Semi-Supervised Learning )


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Unsupervised Data Augmentation for Consistency Training

google-research/uda NeurIPS 2020

In this work, we present a new perspective on how to effectively noise unlabeled examples and argue that the quality of noising, specifically those produced by advanced data augmentation methods, plays a crucial role in semi-supervised learning.

Unsupervised Learning of Visual Features by Contrasting Cluster Assignments

facebookresearch/swav NeurIPS 2020

In addition, we also propose a new data augmentation strategy, multi-crop, that uses a mix of views with different resolutions in place of two full-resolution views, without increasing the memory or compute requirements much.

Virtual Adversarial Training: A Regularization Method for Supervised and Semi-Supervised Learning

takerum/vat_tf 13 Apr 2017

In our experiments, we applied VAT to supervised and semi-supervised learning tasks on multiple benchmark datasets.

Semi-Supervised Learning with Ladder Networks

arasmus/ladder NeurIPS 2015

We combine supervised learning with unsupervised learning in deep neural networks.

Meta Pseudo Labels

google-research/google-research CVPR 2021

We present Meta Pseudo Labels, a semi-supervised learning method that achieves a new state-of-the-art top-1 accuracy of 90. 2% on ImageNet, which is 1. 6% better than the existing state-of-the-art.

Mean teachers are better role models: Weight-averaged consistency targets improve semi-supervised deep learning results

CuriousAI/mean-teacher NeurIPS 2017

Without changing the network architecture, Mean Teacher achieves an error rate of 4. 35% on SVHN with 250 labels, outperforming Temporal Ensembling trained with 1000 labels.

Big Self-Supervised Models are Strong Semi-Supervised Learners

google-research/simclr NeurIPS 2020

The proposed semi-supervised learning algorithm can be summarized in three steps: unsupervised pretraining of a big ResNet model using SimCLRv2, supervised fine-tuning on a few labeled examples, and distillation with unlabeled examples for refining and transferring the task-specific knowledge.

Temporal Ensembling for Semi-Supervised Learning

smlaine2/tempens 7 Oct 2016

In this paper, we present a simple and efficient method for training deep neural networks in a semi-supervised setting where only a small portion of training data is labeled.

Semi-Supervised Learning with Context-Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

edenton/cc-gan 19 Nov 2016

We introduce a simple semi-supervised learning approach for images based on in-painting using an adversarial loss.

Self-Supervised Learning of Pretext-Invariant Representations

facebookresearch/vissl CVPR 2020

The goal of self-supervised learning from images is to construct image representations that are semantically meaningful via pretext tasks that do not require semantic annotations for a large training set of images.