Surface Reconstruction

188 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 8 datasets

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2 papers

Most implemented papers

Point2Skeleton: Learning Skeletal Representations from Point Clouds

clinplayer/Point2Skeleton CVPR 2021

We introduce Point2Skeleton, an unsupervised method to learn skeletal representations from point clouds.

Neural RGB-D Surface Reconstruction

dazinovic/neural-rgbd-surface-reconstruction CVPR 2022

Obtaining high-quality 3D reconstructions of room-scale scenes is of paramount importance for upcoming applications in AR or VR.

Score-Based Point Cloud Denoising

luost26/score-denoise ICCV 2021

Since $p * n$ is unknown at test-time, and we only need the score (i. e., the gradient of the log-probability function) to perform gradient ascent, we propose a neural network architecture to estimate the score of $p * n$ given only noisy point clouds as input.

Habitat-Matterport 3D Dataset (HM3D): 1000 Large-scale 3D Environments for Embodied AI

facebookresearch/habitat-matterport3d-dataset 16 Sep 2021

When compared to existing photorealistic 3D datasets such as Replica, MP3D, Gibson, and ScanNet, images rendered from HM3D have 20 - 85% higher visual fidelity w. r. t.

Extracting Triangular 3D Models, Materials, and Lighting From Images

NVlabs/nvdiffrec CVPR 2022

We present an efficient method for joint optimization of topology, materials and lighting from multi-view image observations.

Neural Dual Contouring

czq142857/NDC 4 Feb 2022

We introduce neural dual contouring (NDC), a new data-driven approach to mesh reconstruction based on dual contouring (DC).

RangeUDF: Semantic Surface Reconstruction from 3D Point Clouds

vlar-group/rangeudf 19 Apr 2022

We present RangeUDF, a new implicit representation based framework to recover the geometry and semantics of continuous 3D scene surfaces from point clouds.

LION: Latent Point Diffusion Models for 3D Shape Generation

nv-tlabs/LION 12 Oct 2022

To advance 3D DDMs and make them useful for digital artists, we require (i) high generation quality, (ii) flexibility for manipulation and applications such as conditional synthesis and shape interpolation, and (iii) the ability to output smooth surfaces or meshes.

Neural Vector Fields: Implicit Representation by Explicit Learning

Wi-sc/NVF CVPR 2023

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are widely applied for nowadays 3D surface reconstruction tasks and such methods can be further divided into two categories, which respectively warp templates explicitly by moving vertices or represent 3D surfaces implicitly as signed or unsigned distance functions.