Search Results for author: Tong Yu

Found 71 papers, 27 papers with code

Influence Diagram Bandits

no code implementations ICML 2020 Tong Yu, Branislav Kveton, Zheng Wen, Ruiyi Zhang, Ole J. Mengshoel

We experiment with three structured bandit problems: cascading bandits, online learning to rank in the position-based model, and rank-1 bandits.

Learning-To-Rank Position

Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning for Named Entity Recognition

no code implementations ACL 2022 Rui Wang, Tong Yu, Handong Zhao, Sungchul Kim, Subrata Mitra, Ruiyi Zhang, Ricardo Henao

In this work, we study a more challenging but practical problem, i. e., few-shot class-incremental learning for NER, where an NER model is trained with only few labeled samples of the new classes, without forgetting knowledge of the old ones.

Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning Incremental Learning +3

Calibrating Reasoning in Language Models with Internal Consistency

no code implementations29 May 2024 Zhihui Xie, Jizhou Guo, Tong Yu, Shuai Li

In this work, we investigate CoT reasoning in LLMs through the lens of internal representations, focusing on how these representations are influenced by generated rationales.

Yuan 2.0-M32: Mixture of Experts with Attention Router

1 code implementation28 May 2024 Shaohua Wu, Jiangang Luo, Xi Chen, Lingjun Li, Xudong Zhao, Tong Yu, Chao Wang, Yue Wang, Fei Wang, Weixu Qiao, Houbo He, Zeru Zhang, Zeyu Sun, Junxiong Mao, Chong Shen

Yuan 2. 0-M32, with a similar base architecture as Yuan-2. 0 2B, uses a mixture-of-experts architecture with 32 experts of which 2 experts are active.


Self-Distillation Improves DNA Sequence Inference

1 code implementation14 May 2024 Tong Yu, Lei Cheng, Ruslan Khalitov, Erland Brandser Olsson, Zhirong Yang

Self-supervised pretraining (SSP) has been recognized as a method to enhance prediction accuracy in various downstream tasks.

Contrastive Learning Language Modelling +1

Beyond Chain-of-Thought: A Survey of Chain-of-X Paradigms for LLMs

no code implementations24 Apr 2024 Yu Xia, Rui Wang, Xu Liu, Mingyan Li, Tong Yu, Xiang Chen, Julian McAuley, Shuai Li

Chain-of-Thought (CoT) has been a widely adopted prompting method, eliciting impressive reasoning abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs).

Learn When (not) to Trust Language Models: A Privacy-Centric Adaptive Model-Aware Approach

no code implementations4 Apr 2024 Chengkai Huang, Rui Wang, Kaige Xie, Tong Yu, Lina Yao

Despite their great success, the knowledge provided by the retrieval process is not always useful for improving the model prediction, since in some samples LLMs may already be quite knowledgeable and thus be able to answer the question correctly without retrieval.

Continual Learning Retrieval

Hallucination Diversity-Aware Active Learning for Text Summarization

no code implementations2 Apr 2024 Yu Xia, Xu Liu, Tong Yu, Sungchul Kim, Ryan A. Rossi, Anup Rao, Tung Mai, Shuai Li

Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown propensity to generate hallucinated outputs, i. e., texts that are factually incorrect or unsupported.

Active Learning Hallucination +1

Uncertainty-aware Distributional Offline Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations26 Mar 2024 Xiaocong Chen, Siyu Wang, Tong Yu, Lina Yao

Offline reinforcement learning (RL) presents distinct challenges as it relies solely on observational data.

Offline RL reinforcement-learning +1

Large Language Models and Causal Inference in Collaboration: A Comprehensive Survey

no code implementations14 Mar 2024 Xiaoyu Liu, Paiheng Xu, Junda Wu, Jiaxin Yuan, Yifan Yang, YuHang Zhou, Fuxiao Liu, Tianrui Guan, Haoliang Wang, Tong Yu, Julian McAuley, Wei Ai, Furong Huang

Causal inference has shown potential in enhancing the predictive accuracy, fairness, robustness, and explainability of Natural Language Processing (NLP) models by capturing causal relationships among variables.

Causal Inference Fairness

CoRAL: Collaborative Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models Improve Long-tail Recommendation

no code implementations11 Mar 2024 Junda Wu, Cheng-Chun Chang, Tong Yu, Zhankui He, Jianing Wang, Yupeng Hou, Julian McAuley

Based on the retrieved user-item interactions, the LLM can analyze shared and distinct preferences among users, and summarize the patterns indicating which types of users would be attracted by certain items.

Recommendation Systems Reinforcement Learning (RL) +1

Which LLM to Play? Convergence-Aware Online Model Selection with Time-Increasing Bandits

no code implementations11 Mar 2024 Yu Xia, Fang Kong, Tong Yu, Liya Guo, Ryan A. Rossi, Sungchul Kim, Shuai Li

In this paper, we propose a time-increasing bandit algorithm TI-UCB, which effectively predicts the increase of model performances due to finetuning and efficiently balances exploration and exploitation in model selection.

Change Detection Model Selection

Learning to Reduce: Optimal Representations of Structured Data in Prompting Large Language Models

no code implementations22 Feb 2024 Younghun Lee, Sungchul Kim, Tong Yu, Ryan A. Rossi, Xiang Chen

The model learns to reduce the input context using On-Policy Reinforcement Learning and aims to improve the reasoning performance of a fixed LLM.

Language Modelling

Foundation Models for Recommender Systems: A Survey and New Perspectives

no code implementations17 Feb 2024 Chengkai Huang, Tong Yu, Kaige Xie, Shuai Zhang, Lina Yao, Julian McAuley

Recently, Foundation Models (FMs), with their extensive knowledge bases and complex architectures, have offered unique opportunities within the realm of recommender systems (RSs).

Recommendation Systems Representation Learning

Self-Debiasing Large Language Models: Zero-Shot Recognition and Reduction of Stereotypes

no code implementations3 Feb 2024 Isabel O. Gallegos, Ryan A. Rossi, Joe Barrow, Md Mehrab Tanjim, Tong Yu, Hanieh Deilamsalehy, Ruiyi Zhang, Sungchul Kim, Franck Dernoncourt

Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable advances in language generation and understanding but are also prone to exhibiting harmful social biases.

Text Generation Zero-Shot Learning

Augment before You Try: Knowledge-Enhanced Table Question Answering via Table Expansion

1 code implementation28 Jan 2024 Yujian Liu, Jiabao Ji, Tong Yu, Ryan Rossi, Sungchul Kim, Handong Zhao, Ritwik Sinha, Yang Zhang, Shiyu Chang

Table question answering is a popular task that assesses a model's ability to understand and interact with structured data.

Question Answering

Discovering Low-rank Subspaces for Language-agnostic Multilingual Representations

1 code implementation11 Jan 2024 Zhihui Xie, Handong Zhao, Tong Yu, Shuai Li

While these results are promising, follow-up works found that, within the multilingual embedding spaces, there exists strong language identity information which hinders the expression of linguistic factors shared across languages.

Pretrained Multilingual Language Models Retrieval +3

CLAPP: Contrastive Language-Audio Pre-training in Passive Underwater Vessel Classification

no code implementations4 Jan 2024 Zeyu Li, Jingsheng Gao, Tong Yu, Suncheng Xiang, Jiacheng Ruan, Ting Liu, Yuzhuo Fu

Existing research on audio classification faces challenges in recognizing attributes of passive underwater vessel scenarios and lacks well-annotated datasets due to data privacy concerns.

Attribute Audio Classification +2

YUAN 2.0: A Large Language Model with Localized Filtering-based Attention

2 code implementations27 Nov 2023 Shaohua Wu, Xudong Zhao, Shenling Wang, Jiangang Luo, Lingjun Li, Xi Chen, Bing Zhao, Wei Wang, Tong Yu, Rongguo Zhang, Jiahua Zhang, Chao Wang

In this work, we develop and release Yuan 2. 0, a series of large language models with parameters ranging from 2. 1 billion to 102. 6 billion.

Code Generation Language Modelling +2

Improving a Named Entity Recognizer Trained on Noisy Data with a Few Clean Instances

no code implementations25 Oct 2023 Zhendong Chu, Ruiyi Zhang, Tong Yu, Rajiv Jain, Vlad I Morariu, Jiuxiang Gu, Ani Nenkova

To achieve state-of-the-art performance, one still needs to train NER models on large-scale, high-quality annotated data, an asset that is both costly and time-intensive to accumulate.


ToolChain*: Efficient Action Space Navigation in Large Language Models with A* Search

no code implementations20 Oct 2023 Yuchen Zhuang, Xiang Chen, Tong Yu, Saayan Mitra, Victor Bursztyn, Ryan A. Rossi, Somdeb Sarkhel, Chao Zhang

It formulates the entire action space as a decision tree, where each node represents a possible API function call involved in a solution plan.

Decision Making valid

Bias and Fairness in Large Language Models: A Survey

1 code implementation2 Sep 2023 Isabel O. Gallegos, Ryan A. Rossi, Joe Barrow, Md Mehrab Tanjim, Sungchul Kim, Franck Dernoncourt, Tong Yu, Ruiyi Zhang, Nesreen K. Ahmed

Rapid advancements of large language models (LLMs) have enabled the processing, understanding, and generation of human-like text, with increasing integration into systems that touch our social sphere.

counterfactual Fairness

Learning Multi-modal Representations by Watching Hundreds of Surgical Video Lectures

1 code implementation27 Jul 2023 Kun Yuan, Vinkle Srivastav, Tong Yu, Joel L. Lavanchy, Pietro Mascagni, Nassir Navab, Nicolas Padoy

SurgVLP constructs a new contrastive learning objective to align video clip embeddings with the corresponding multiple text embeddings by bringing them together within a joint latent space.

Automatic Speech Recognition Contrastive Learning +6

Label-Retrieval-Augmented Diffusion Models for Learning from Noisy Labels

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Jian Chen, Ruiyi Zhang, Tong Yu, Rohan Sharma, Zhiqiang Xu, Tong Sun, Changyou Chen

Remarkably, by incorporating conditional information from the powerful CLIP model, our method can boost the current SOTA accuracy by 10-20 absolute points in many cases.

 Ranked #1 on Image Classification on Food-101N (using extra training data)

Image Classification Retrieval

Few-Shot Dialogue Summarization via Skeleton-Assisted Prompt Transfer in Prompt Tuning

no code implementations20 May 2023 Kaige Xie, Tong Yu, Haoliang Wang, Junda Wu, Handong Zhao, Ruiyi Zhang, Kanak Mahadik, Ani Nenkova, Mark Riedl

In this paper, we focus on improving the prompt transfer from dialogue state tracking to dialogue summarization and propose Skeleton-Assisted Prompt Transfer (SAPT), which leverages skeleton generation as extra supervision that functions as a medium connecting the distinct source and target task and resulting in the model's better consumption of dialogue state information.

Dialogue State Tracking Transfer Learning

Towards Building the Federated GPT: Federated Instruction Tuning

1 code implementation9 May 2023 Jianyi Zhang, Saeed Vahidian, Martin Kuo, Chunyuan Li, Ruiyi Zhang, Tong Yu, Yufan Zhou, Guoyin Wang, Yiran Chen

This repository offers a foundational framework for exploring federated fine-tuning of LLMs using heterogeneous instructions across diverse categories.

Federated Learning

The Closeness of In-Context Learning and Weight Shifting for Softmax Regression

no code implementations26 Apr 2023 Shuai Li, Zhao Song, Yu Xia, Tong Yu, Tianyi Zhou

Large language models (LLMs) are known for their exceptional performance in natural language processing, making them highly effective in many human life-related or even job-related tasks.

In-Context Learning regression

Structured Dynamic Pricing: Optimal Regret in a Global Shrinkage Model

no code implementations28 Mar 2023 Rashmi Ranjan Bhuyan, Adel Javanmard, Sungchul Kim, Gourab Mukherjee, Ryan A. Rossi, Tong Yu, Handong Zhao

We consider dynamic pricing strategies in a streamed longitudinal data set-up where the objective is to maximize, over time, the cumulative profit across a large number of customer segments.

Weakly Supervised Temporal Convolutional Networks for Fine-grained Surgical Activity Recognition

no code implementations21 Feb 2023 Sanat Ramesh, Diego Dall'Alba, Cristians Gonzalez, Tong Yu, Pietro Mascagni, Didier Mutter, Jacques Marescaux, Paolo Fiorini, Nicolas Padoy

In this work, we propose to use coarser and easier-to-annotate activity labels, namely phases, as weak supervision to learn step recognition with fewer step annotated videos.

Activity Recognition

Uncovering the Disentanglement Capability in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Qiucheng Wu, Yujian Liu, Handong Zhao, Ajinkya Kale, Trung Bui, Tong Yu, Zhe Lin, Yang Zhang, Shiyu Chang

Based on this finding, we further propose a simple, light-weight image editing algorithm where the mixing weights of the two text embeddings are optimized for style matching and content preservation.

Denoising Disentanglement

Reinforced Approximate Exploratory Data Analysis

no code implementations12 Dec 2022 Shaddy Garg, Subrata Mitra, Tong Yu, Yash Gadhia, Arjun Kashettiwar

Exploratory data analytics (EDA) is a sequential decision making process where analysts choose subsequent queries that might lead to some interesting insights based on the previous queries and corresponding results.

Decision Making

Direct Embedding of Temporal Network Edges via Time-Decayed Line Graphs

no code implementations30 Sep 2022 Sudhanshu Chanpuriya, Ryan A. Rossi, Sungchul Kim, Tong Yu, Jane Hoffswell, Nedim Lipka, Shunan Guo, Cameron Musco

We present a simple method that avoids both shortcomings: construct the line graph of the network, which includes a node for each interaction, and weigh the edges of this graph based on the difference in time between interactions.

Edge Classification Link Prediction

Hierarchical Conversational Preference Elicitation with Bandit Feedback

no code implementations6 Sep 2022 Jinhang Zuo, Songwen Hu, Tong Yu, Shuai Li, Handong Zhao, Carlee Joe-Wong

To achieve this, the recommender system conducts conversations with users, asking their preferences for different items or item categories.

Recommendation Systems

Federated Online Clustering of Bandits

1 code implementation31 Aug 2022 Xutong Liu, Haoru Zhao, Tong Yu, Shuai Li, John C. S. Lui

Contextual multi-armed bandit (MAB) is an important sequential decision-making problem in recommendation systems.

Clustering Decision Making +2

Comparison-based Conversational Recommender System with Relative Bandit Feedback

1 code implementation21 Aug 2022 Zhihui Xie, Tong Yu, Canzhe Zhao, Shuai Li

To enable users to provide comparative preferences during conversational interactions, we propose a novel comparison-based conversational recommender system.

Recommendation Systems

Bundle MCR: Towards Conversational Bundle Recommendation

1 code implementation26 Jul 2022 Zhankui He, Handong Zhao, Tong Yu, Sungchul Kim, Fan Du, Julian McAuley

MCR, which uses a conversational paradigm to elicit user interests by asking user preferences on tags (e. g., categories or attributes) and handling user feedback across multiple rounds, is an emerging recommendation setting to acquire user feedback and narrow down the output space, but has not been explored in the context of bundle recommendation.

Recommendation Systems

Dissecting Self-Supervised Learning Methods for Surgical Computer Vision

1 code implementation1 Jul 2022 Sanat Ramesh, Vinkle Srivastav, Deepak Alapatt, Tong Yu, Aditya Murali, Luca Sestini, Chinedu Innocent Nwoye, Idris Hamoud, Saurav Sharma, Antoine Fleurentin, Georgios Exarchakis, Alexandros Karargyris, Nicolas Padoy

Correct transfer of these methods to surgery, as described and conducted in this work, leads to substantial performance gains over generic uses of SSL - up to 7. 4% on phase recognition and 20% on tool presence detection - as well as state-of-the-art semi-supervised phase recognition approaches by up to 14%.

Action Triplet Recognition Self-Supervised Learning +3

Live Laparoscopic Video Retrieval with Compressed Uncertainty

no code implementations8 Mar 2022 Tong Yu, Pietro Mascagni, Juan Verde, Jacques Marescaux, Didier Mutter, Nicolas Padoy

Searching through large volumes of medical data to retrieve relevant information is a challenging yet crucial task for clinical care.

Retrieval Video Retrieval

Active and Passive Hybrid Detection Method for Power CPS False Data Injection Attacks with Improved AKF and GRU-CNN

no code implementations14 Feb 2022 Zhaoyang Qu, Xiaoyong Bo, Tong Yu, Yaowei Liu, Yunchang Dong, Zhongfeng Kan, Lei Wang, Yang Li

Taking account of the fact that the existing knowledge-driven detection process for FDIAs has been in a passive detection state for a long time and ignores the advantages of data-driven active capture of features, an active and passive hybrid detection method for power CPS FDIAs with improved adaptive Kalman filter (AKF) and convolutional neural networks (CNN) is proposed in this paper.

Towards Language-Free Training for Text-to-Image Generation

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Yufan Zhou, Ruiyi Zhang, Changyou Chen, Chunyuan Li, Chris Tensmeyer, Tong Yu, Jiuxiang Gu, Jinhui Xu, Tong Sun

One of the major challenges in training text-to-image generation models is the need of a large number of high-quality text-image pairs.

Zero-Shot Text-to-Image Generation

Dynamic Exploitation Gaussian Bare-Bones Bat Algorithm for Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch to Improve the Safety and Stability of Power System

no code implementations13 Dec 2021 Zhaoyang Qu, Yunchang Dong, Sylvère Mugemanyi, Tong Yu, Xiaoyong Bo, Huashun Li, Yang Li, François Xavier Rugema, Christophe Bananeza

DeGBBBA is an advanced variant of GBBBA in which a modified Gaussian distribution is introduced so as to allow the dynamic adaptation of exploitation and exploitation in the proposed algorithm.

Continuous Control

Yuan 1.0: Large-Scale Pre-trained Language Model in Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Learning

1 code implementation10 Oct 2021 Shaohua Wu, Xudong Zhao, Tong Yu, Rongguo Zhang, Chong Shen, Hongli Liu, Feng Li, Hong Zhu, Jiangang Luo, Liang Xu, Xuanwei Zhang

With this method, Yuan 1. 0, the current largest singleton language model with 245B parameters, achieves excellent performance on thousands GPUs during training, and the state-of-the-art results on NLP tasks.

Few-Shot Learning Language Modelling +1

Sparse Factorization of Large Square Matrices

1 code implementation16 Sep 2021 Ruslan Khalitov, Tong Yu, Lei Cheng, Zhirong Yang

The sparse factorization method is tested for a variety of synthetic and real-world square matrices.

Long-range modeling

Rendezvous: Attention Mechanisms for the Recognition of Surgical Action Triplets in Endoscopic Videos

8 code implementations7 Sep 2021 Chinedu Innocent Nwoye, Tong Yu, Cristians Gonzalez, Barbara Seeliger, Pietro Mascagni, Didier Mutter, Jacques Marescaux, Nicolas Padoy

To achieve this task, we introduce our new model, the Rendezvous (RDV), which recognizes triplets directly from surgical videos by leveraging attention at two different levels.

Action Triplet Recognition

Multi-Task Temporal Convolutional Networks for Joint Recognition of Surgical Phases and Steps in Gastric Bypass Procedures

no code implementations24 Feb 2021 Sanat Ramesh, Diego Dall'Alba, Cristians Gonzalez, Tong Yu, Pietro Mascagni, Didier Mutter, Jacques Marescaux, Paolo Fiorini, Nicolas Padoy

Conclusion: In this work, we present a multi-task multi-stage temporal convolutional network for surgical activity recognition, which shows improved results compared to single-task models on the Bypass40 gastric bypass dataset with multi-level annotations.

Activity Recognition

Encode the Unseen: Predictive Video Hashing for Scalable Mid-Stream Retrieval

no code implementations30 Sep 2020 Tong Yu, Nicolas Padoy

This paper tackles a new problem in computer vision: mid-stream video-to-video retrieval.

Retrieval Video Retrieval

Reward Constrained Interactive Recommendation with Natural Language Feedback

no code implementations4 May 2020 Ruiyi Zhang, Tong Yu, Yilin Shen, Hongxia Jin, Changyou Chen, Lawrence Carin

Text-based interactive recommendation provides richer user feedback and has demonstrated advantages over traditional interactive recommender systems.

Recommendation Systems reinforcement-learning +2

Hyper-Parameter Optimization: A Review of Algorithms and Applications

1 code implementation12 Mar 2020 Tong Yu, Hong Zhu

This study next reviews major services and toolkits for HPO, comparing their support for state-of-the-art searching algorithms, feasibility with major deep learning frameworks, and extensibility for new modules designed by users.

Text-Based Interactive Recommendation via Constraint-Augmented Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Ruiyi Zhang, Tong Yu, Yilin Shen, Hongxia Jin, Changyou Chen

Text-based interactive recommendation provides richer user preferences and has demonstrated advantages over traditional interactive recommender systems.

Recommendation Systems reinforcement-learning +2

Figure Captioning with Reasoning and Sequence-Level Training

no code implementations7 Jun 2019 Charles Chen, Ruiyi Zhang, Eunyee Koh, Sungchul Kim, Scott Cohen, Tong Yu, Ryan Rossi, Razvan Bunescu

In this work, we investigate the problem of figure captioning where the goal is to automatically generate a natural language description of the figure.

Image Captioning

Privacy Partitioning: Protecting User Data During the Deep Learning Inference Phase

no code implementations7 Dec 2018 Jianfeng Chi, Emmanuel Owusu, Xuwang Yin, Tong Yu, William Chan, Patrick Tague, Yuan Tian

We present a practical method for protecting data during the inference phase of deep learning based on bipartite topology threat modeling and an interactive adversarial deep network construction.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Face Identification +1

Learning from a tiny dataset of manual annotations: a teacher/student approach for surgical phase recognition

1 code implementation30 Nov 2018 Tong Yu, Didier Mutter, Jacques Marescaux, Nicolas Padoy

Vision algorithms capable of interpreting scenes from a real-time video stream are necessary for computer-assisted surgery systems to achieve context-aware behavior.

Online surgical phase recognition

Customized Nonlinear Bandits for Online Response Selection in Neural Conversation Models

no code implementations22 Nov 2017 Bing Liu, Tong Yu, Ian Lane, Ole J. Mengshoel

Moreover, we report encouraging response selection performance of the proposed neural bandit model using the Recall@k metric for a small set of online training samples.

Multi-Armed Bandits Response Generation +2

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